- We organize a test run series on one Saturday afternoon each month in the surroundings of the historical Eläintarha Sports field.
- You can choose to run either 2 km, 4 km, 6 km, or 10 km. The route is a 2 km long lap that starts on Vauhtitie street at the eastern gate of the Eläintarha sports plan. The route is used for testing by the legendary long distance runners of Helsingin Jyry sports club over 50 years.
- The organizers take photos and video of the participants as they cross the finish line.
- The eventual minor changes in the schedule will be informed on at the Helsinki Run Cup web site, follow the link Tuloksia ja tiedotteita testijuoksuista / open the link *.
Running competitions:
Saturdays for the season 2017 - 2018:
- Helsinki Jyry does not organize the Helsinki Run Cup event from 2017 to 2018.
HRC participation fees:
- On the place of 7 € and a runner or a student card 6 €.
- Registration in advance 5 € and a runner or a student card 4 €.
- Children under 15 on-site 4 € and registration in advance 2 €.
The race office is located in Helsingin Jyry's premises in the Eläintarha sports plan area.
- The race office opens at 1.20 - 2:20 pm.
- The registration closes at 2.20 pm.
The runners are participating on their own risk (they are not insured by the organizer).
- 2K race start at 14:35 pm.6K and 10K races start at 3:15 pm.
Registrant to Helsinki Run Cup - races (series)
- On the spot or in anticipation / online*

Running Route
HTR race office (see the link*)
- Further information can be found on Helsingin Jyry's web site http://www.helsinginjyry.com / follow the link "Helsinki Test Run"
- You can also send mail to us**
Competition info:
- The runners may use the storage locker, shower and dressing rooms for men and women of the Eläintarha sports plan.
- The (cold) temperature limit for the race is -12C. In the case the race must be cancelled because of the cold weather it will be announced on the Helsinki Run Cup web site (link Helsinki Run Cup keskustelu ja ilmoituspalsta - notification / information column site: notification / information site*) at latest 5 hours before the run.
- Click open this journey planner
HRC route records

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The running joy of the HTR route